25k of some of the best skiing in Montana!

Lush cedar forests, Whitefish Lake, Flathead Valley and surrounding Big Mountain Nordic Trailsmountain views are some of the features of these trails. The upper trails are very challenging with steep ascents and fast, fun descents. Please respect the dog policy below!

This is a fluoro-free course. Read more about our Fluorocarbon Wax Policy.


Check the Grooming page for the grooming status of all trails. Glacier Nordic collaborates with Iron Horse Golf Club on grooming  the Big Mountain Nordic Trails daily with the goal of completion of GNC grooming of the upper trails by 9 am. Glacier Nordic grooms with a  Prinoth Snowcat and snowmobile or tracked ATV with roller and ginzu attachments. Get additional info on Big Mountain temps and snow fall, and check out WMR’s snow report and great web cams.
Snow Report  |  Web Cams

Trail Map & SignageBig Mountain Nordic Trails

Big Mountain Nordic Trails Map

Dog Map – leash & dog rules.

A big thank you to Whitefish Legacy Partners and Iron Horse Golf Club for collaborating on this map. There is a big map at the trailhead with map signs and trails signs at intersections on the Big Mountain Nordic Trails. Please snap a picture of the map at the trailhead to take the map with you!

Trailhead Locations & Parking

Big Mountain Trailhead 

Located at 3315 Big Mountain Road, about 1/2 mile past Ptarmigan Village, on the right side of the road. Please read the kiosk and follow the dog rules. Dogs must be on a leash in the parking lot and on the Lookout Trail (see map below).

This trailhead is part of the Whitefish Trail and in addition to being the main Nordic Trail trailhead accesses the single track Whitefish Trail. Glacier Nordic Club (through its membership fees and Great Fish Challenge funds raised) contributed about half of the $100,000 cost to develop this new trailhead. The trailhead has space for 30–40 cars, a vault toilet, and trash cans. There is no longer access to the trails from the parking lot at Whitefish Mountain Resort.

Haskill Basin Trailhead

Big Mountain Nordic Trails

This trailhead is dog-friendly access, with parking, for the Big Mountain Nordic Trails.

Located in the 800 Block of Haskill Basin Road. From Downtown Whitefish, head north on Baker over the viaduct, turn right onto Edgewood Place. Continue 2.4 miles and turn left on Haskill Basin Road. Go 1.6 miles and the trailhead is on your left (look for the Stoltze sign on a tree). There is room for 12 cars and GNC will be plowing the lot regularly.

The land for the parking lot and most of the trails are on the City of Whitefish/Haskill Basin Conservation easement and owned by F.H. Stoltze Land and Lumber (thank them please!).

A section of the Haskill Hwy (blue on the map) is on DNRC land for which GNC pays for  a land-use  license authorizing grooming. The DNRC requires that all skiers/users have a state land recreational use license.

The parking lot is allowed by a Conditional Use Permit with Flathead County. The CUP restricts usage to low-impact recreation, so please respect the limited parking – carpool, and do not park on Haskill Basin Road! Stoltze and the County will be reviewing the use to make sure the trail head is being used as intended. No toilets. Please enjoy this trail access and: Do Not Block the Gate, No Parking on Haskill Basin Road and Pack it in, Pack it Out!

Grooming Support

A fee is not required to ski the trails! Iron Horse Golf Club donates their grooming.  Glacier Nordic, a non-profit,  supports its grooming operations through an RTP grant, season memberships and donationsPurchase your annual membership or make a donation at the Glacier Nordic Shop located at the Whitefish Lake Golf Course or purchase your annual membership online. Or, drop some $ in the Glacier Nordic/Whitefish Trails donation box at the trail head. Thank you!


Big Mountain Nordic Trails have advanced and expert terrain and snow conditions. Expect steep and curvy descents on the upper trails and challenging climbs back to the trail head. The lower trail has a long out and back – it climbs more gently up to Lake Loop with a quick descent back to the Haskill Basin trailhead.


Winter Sports Inc. (WSI), both directly and through an easement to the City of Whitefish; F.H. Stoltze Land and Lumber; Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; and private land owners. Please respect the use-restrictions as signed and thank these land owners!  

Fat Bikes

Not allowed on Big Mountain on Whitefish Mountain Resort (WSI) property, but are allowed on the other trails. The large ruts made by fat bikes are hazardous to x-c skiers and are very difficult to remove. Please ride only when conditions allow without trail damage and stay to the side of the trail.

Snow Shoes

Allowed. Please stay to the side of the trail.


See the Map below for the GNC solution to meeting the desires of those who want perfect tracks and those who like to take their furry friends. Dogs must be on a leash on the new trail head and easement (yellow) per the easement agreement. You will clean up after them, yes? Of course you will!

Ski Rentals

Classic and skate ski rentals (includes boots and poles) are available at the Glacier Nordic Shop.